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So you think you have the inside track on narcissism. It is after all your experience that gives you expertise. You have researched and have had so many confirmations about narcissistic personality disorder that you feel you know enough.

You’ve researched the phsycological perspectives, you’ve listened to narcissist’s own views on the subject, and yet, your curiosity knows that there is still more to be learned. Your curiosity, or intuition as I call it, is right.

Experiences tells us what we need to know to stay away, and yet a lack of experience is what causes us to go back or enter into another narcissistic relationship. Experience is a good teacher, and yet it cannot tell us what we are burning to know; where does this come from? Or at least how does narcissism happen and is there any hope for the narcissist? Is there hope for us to be set free or are we doomed to live a life of emotional and physical torture for the rest of our lives?

Join, me, author and life coach/peer support mentor Shannon Gilmour on a quest to answer your questions in a way that makes sense. I share with you from a clinical and spiritual perspective how and why narcissism exists and why we become the targets of victimization.

Understand the secrets of our human nature that science is now only starting to reveal and how these secrets can uncover the nature of narcissism and how this personality disorder is meant to expose you to a wonderful world of self acceptance through self awareness.

Discovering who you are, and how to live in self love is the ultimate spiritual goal as narcissism is used to draw you into your own spiritual alignment. Discover the healing ways of spiritual awakening as you uncover the underpinnings of why narcissism has control over you as it is the door that leads to your ultimate freedom in Christ, who is your strength.

This is a NON DENOMINATIONAL HUB for everyone to freely share their experience and knowledge. We are all in this together.

Community Guidelines

Please respect the following community guidelines to maintain an enjoyable environment:

  • Keep conversation respectful, without personal attacks
  • Don’t blow up other members’ feeds. If someone isn’t responding to you, let it be
  • No pornography
  • Keep out behavior that could be seen as trolling/spamming
  • Relax, be yourself, and enjoy

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